Territorio Film Friendly
Write or call us explaining what you are looking for. We will take care of sending you all our locations that suit your needs. We belong to the Teruel Film Commission Network, so, if necessary, we will also look for them in territories close to ours or throughout the province of Teruel.
If you have decided that one or more of the locations can fit into your project and you want to see them live, we will take care of coordinating and accompanying you in the territory, we'll advise you of the services and possible suppliers that could support you or about all the data of the Region from the Matarraña that may be useful for production.
We work to make filming very simple, inter-institutional coordination and cooperation in the region is very high. We will help you so that the permits for the different areas arrive quickly, we will inform you of the procedures to obtain them or we will directly deal with processing them depending on the case.
According to the needs of the production we can coordinate the support and services of the different administrations of the territory; from parking areas, meeting rooms to the help of public officials in logistics, security, etc.